nonot's diary


Protected: 2016 mission — February 29, 2016
2015 agenda — January 4, 2015

2015 agenda

Hi All,

Here are my agenda for 2015 :

1. Project hackbook.

my 2014 incomplete resolution.

2. Project starlights.

deploying ‘starlights’ to the sky.

3. Project thousand years.

will be explained after completion.

4. Preparation for project master.

continuous learning.

Ganbatte kudasainee !




2013 evaluation & 2014 Resolution — January 4, 2014

2013 evaluation & 2014 Resolution

Hi All,

I just recognize that my last post in this blog was ‘Resolusi 2013’ which i wrote at beginning of 2013. After that no post and then i write 2014 resolution :). Before i start to write my 2014 resolution i wanna look back to my 2013 resolutions :

Ini resolusi 2013 saya :

1. Bikin perut jadi Six Pack. Berat naik 5 kg.

2. Bikin 1 judul buku dan diterbitkan.

3. Lolos 2 sertifikasi CEH dan SSCP / ECSA/ CHFI.

4. Bikin 1 mass product yang masuk production.

5. Punya 1 jenis usaha dewek. 😛

So, these are the result back then :

1. Bikin perut jadi Six Pack. Berat naik 5 kg. Status : 50% passed.

Actually, after i think again, it is difficult to apply both of them at the same time. I reckon why i wrote that for my resolution because my weight is just 60 and im skinny. In 2013 i ate a lot and did fitness sometime, in order to reach my goal. As a result, my weight increased 5 kilos and my belly got 5 centi larger 🙂

2. Bikin 1 judul buku dan diterbitkan. Status : 30% passed.

I wrote 1 title book about IT security and still progressing until now. I have difficult time to write because of my lack writing experience. But i will continue to finish my first book this year. Insha Allah.

3. Lolos 2 sertifikasi CEH dan SSCP / ECSA/ CHFI. Status : 100% passed.

Believe me, this is difficult task to do especially when i have to convince my boss to approve my second training. But, thanks God i got kind and right boss, he approved by second proposal training. So, after all in 2013 i have passed and got 2 IT security certifications, they are :

1. CEH v7 (Certified Ethical Hacker)

2. E|CSA v4 (EC-Council Certified Security Analyst)

both of them are from EC-Council. you can view the detail by clicking on them.

4. Bikin 1 mass product yang masuk production.

Status : 100% passed

My 2013 mass product are eTax DKI and End Point Security (EPS) for ATM machine. eTax DKI system has been implemented to more than 3000 shops consist of restaurant, hotel, parking lot, and entertainment. It was project from DKI Government that stated every tax obligator should pay their tax via online system. The side effect is : another city want to be implemented also! this will overwhelming project since there are just view person who run this project and still 6000 outlets remains to be implemented in DKI !

5. Punya 1 jenis usaha dewek. 😛

Status : 100% passed.

No time remains. No power to run a shop. So, i decide to bought a f&b franchise. I bought franchise selling drinking product because i think it is easier than selling a food. My first outlet will be open in 2014 at one of Jakarta school located at South.

So after i write down my 2013 achievement, i wanna start new day and bring 2014 resolutions 🙂

These are my 2014 resolution

1. Get Toefl Score 600

2. Get CISSP certification

3. Get Master Degree.

4. Create one book and be published.

5. Fitness and body exercise more!

6. Reach BEP for my first outlet flavour tea

7. Buy MacBook Air 🙂

8. Add 1 outlet selling food.

For this year I wanna Say :

Enjoy and Learn Everything, Evey Time, get more Patience , get Healthy and believe that Everything is Possible !

Kind Regards,



Resolusi 2013 — January 6, 2013
Install Windows 7 dari USB Flash Disk — July 25, 2011

Install Windows 7 dari USB Flash Disk

Hi all,

Banyak cara install windows 7 dari usb flash disk, disini kita akan lihat cara paling mudah.

Pertama, download toolsnya yaitu Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool.

Kedua, sediakan flash disk minimum 4 GB, colokin ke idung, eh salah, ke port USB.

Ketiga, jalankan Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool seperti di bawah :

Cari file ISO win 7
Pilih USB Device
Pilih drive USB
Mulai mengcopy...

Keempat, restart kompi. Udah de…

Cara menghitung harga software menggunakan basic COCOMO — July 23, 2011

Cara menghitung harga software menggunakan basic COCOMO

Hi all,

si komo, biang macet lalulintas

Dari judulnya keliatan kayanya ini artikel yg agak berat, tp aslinya ya ndak biasa aja. Disini saya cm pengen share info cara ngitung nilai software yang anda buat menggunakan basic cocomo (cost constructive model). Dengan menggunakan cocomo, anda tidak hanya tahu brapa harga softwarenya, tp juga bisa tahu brapa lama pembuatannya dan brapa effort unt membuatnya. Sekedar info aja kalo di kuliahan, metode COCOMO diperkenalkan di kuliah Manajemen Proyek Perangkat Lunak

Saya pengen menjelaskan langsung ke contohnya, tp buat anda yg bergolongan darah B (biasanya pengen tahu dasar teorinya secara detail), baca aja nih penjelasan lengkapnya.

Ini contoh penggunaanya pada software project game portal.


Tapi buat anda yang udah paham metode cocomo dan ga pengen ribet2 ngitung by manual, pake aja ini –> sante bukan jebakan betmen koq…:P

Nah, baru2 ini ada yang namanya COCOMO II. Variablenya lebih banyak, ngitungnya lebih detail, buat yang pengen explore lebih dalem silahkan cek aja dimari.



Antivirus pilihan saya (untuk saat ini), microsoft security essential. —

Antivirus pilihan saya (untuk saat ini), microsoft security essential.

Hi all,

Pertama kali, dulu pernah pake AVG free, jebol, trus avira, jebol lagi, smadav apalagi. Sekarang nyobain microsoft security essential, antivirus punya mikocok. Udah pernah nyobain belum ? downloadnya gratis, nginstallnya tinggal klik next – next aja, udah. Abis itu dia scanning kompi kita secara periodik. Ga terlalu rese’ kaya Antivirus lain begitu nemu .exe langsung disikat. Tapi ada 1 syarat yang harus dipenuhi kalo mw nginstall aplikasi ini. Windows anda harus Genuine. wkwkwk, dasar mikocok. Tp itu masalah gampang lah, install aja removeWAT, maka segel windows langsung disikat.

Download :


Belajar ngetik 10 jari dengan Typing Master —

Belajar ngetik 10 jari dengan Typing Master

Hi all,

Bisa ngetik 10 jari merupakan anugrah yang indah bagi mahasiswa, knp? karena bisa jadi senjata mematikan buat menghadapi deadline tugas-tugas kuliah yang mepet. Alkisah seorang teman saya, sebut saja namanya Krio (bukan nama sebenarnya), semalam sebelum deadline pengumpulan buku Tugas Akhir dia baru memulai untuk mbuku (mengetik buku). Esoknya dengan ajaib dia isa menghasilkan buku Tugas Akhir sebanyak 96 halaman dan diinjinkan untuk maju sidang tugas akhir! *tp berlanjut kena bantai pas sidang…

Bisa ngetik 10 jari jg merupakan kebanggan, karena kans anda unt menang di game ini semakin besar :P:

dan nama programnya adalah Typing Master, ga perlu diinstall tinggal donload langsung maen aja. Bisa diliat2 dulu skrinsutnya :

Minimum Requirements:
· Pentium 300 MHz
· Minimum display area 800×600
· High Color display (more than 256-colors)
· 32 MB of RAM
· 10 MB of free HDD space.

Download :






Alur administrasi kerja praktek di TC – Informatika ITS — July 19, 2011
Ubah gaya presentasi anda dengan! — July 16, 2011